Monday, December 6, 2010

I'm a Rule Breaker!

I am thankful for Tony!
For he fell for my trick today. His face ran right into my hand. But he was there with his neck, on which I drew when I was bored. However, I don't have much of an artists hand anymore. He also sits behind me in geometry and makes the time go by fast. Although, he's quite intelligent and makes me feel inferior ): But we have good times! I choose him to be first because he really is first! I know choosing 1 person of the 30 or so in our class would make him feel for special, but...I really can't leave anyone instead I'm giving him the top spot. He's like a little puppy. I'll feed him when he's hungry, pet his head when he feels sick or sad, and I'll be there for him through thick and thin! I actually would trust him with my life even though I don't see him all throughout the day. Just goes to show what a person he is.

I am thankful for Davidson!
He may be second on this list but he certainly isn't. At this point he really means the world to me. Nono, he means a billion. Not half a billion, a billion. Not even that. There's no number to express him, it wouldn't do him justice. I also trust him with my life as well. He's charming, he's philosophical, he's a good listener and he makes good deductions. I tend to say things to people that in response they just go "what?", but most of the time he really gets what I'm saying. At times I admit I do babble, like now, to a point where you really can't understand what I'm saying, haha. I think he was my Christmas present...from some random higher power, that I stilllll don't believe in, but if given enough reason I might. I do see him constantly and it's very much a joy! He's pretty devilish in looks as well, what's not to love about that. I don't think there's a time where he isn't adorable or trying to entertain me. He can definitely be an actor, he tortures me that way.
There's a lot more that I know I can name, but I just can't think right now. I gotta talk to him instead to get more ideas.

I am thankful for Kimmy Amy!
Who I hope doesn't mind me calling her that. She minds! But she let's me borrow her super creative pens from Korea. She entertains me throughout class, and she inspires creativity! She has witty remarks here and there that just make you want to laugh. She's also in my division...right behind me...and talks to me oh so much! She's there to help me when I need help too. Fills me in, let's me drink her water~

I am thankful for Leslie!
What a mexican firecracker! Always entertaining, witty and loud! She has many compliments to spare. She also knows Jesus! *wink wink*. She finds a way to laugh at everything, which makes it very uplifting. I hope to never see her cry! It'd just be the end of the world.

I am thankful for Jiayin!
She is probably the only freshman friend I have really. I find them all a little loud, no offense! I'm sure us upperclassmen used to be that loud too...I doubt it though. The younger generation is getting to look older and older! I thought this lil' lady was a sophomore. But in the end she turned out to be a mean frackie who liked to confuse the living daylights out of my head! She also sits next to me in chemistry (see a pattern?) and is super smart too! Glad we became lab partners♥

I am thankful for Clara!
She's so dark! But she's hilarious when she debates with the teachers. She says everything I want to and more. She usually knows the answer when I don't...we have a lot in common and talk about certain teachers together...*cheesy innocent smile*. We have japanese, world studies, and american literature together! Let's see. She's in front in the jap class, to my left in world, and in front in literature! She has so much attitude. & is atheist like me! Religious view. HAHAHAHA...HA.

I am thankful for Sadiq!
All those witty comments. I must love witty people! He sits in front of me in chemistry, and is also a neck I can draw on. Except he didn't appreciate my scythe well. I admitted earlier, an artist's hand no longer. He also likes to make my mind boggle too. But he will not admit to being a freshman...but I know, Sadiq, I know! Deep down inside, you are!

1 comment:

  1. serina, i'm so touched. ... oh gosh i think i know what teacher you're referring to hehe... i also love that we have a bunch of periods together! we have some great times :)doomo arigatou gozaimas!!!!
