Monday, February 21, 2011


the particular doctrines or principles spread deliberately by an organization or movement.

During World War I, there were many forms of propaganda and many of them were on posters "encouraging" people to participate in the war for different reasons.
To the right is a picture that my World Studies class recently discussed on. At first I didn't get what the cartoon was trying to convey, but after we talked about propaganda more and "pride", it became more clear to me.

This poster displays a girl sitting on her father's lap reading a book and a boy on the floor playing with toy soldiers while the father is looking at what seems to be directed at you, as the viewer. The girl is reading a book about the Great War and the little boy displays what he thinks of as the battlefield with soldiers. But when the girl asks her father what he did in the Great War, he simple looks at the viewer thinking "What should I tell her?", as if he had nothing to do with the war. If that was the case, then what was he to tell his daughter? That he had never served and was simple a coward stuck in this situation. 

Mostly we figured that this poster was propagating the war effort and that more men should join the war or face this question in the future and now have a "prideful" answer. 

This poster I found to be's pretty darn true that majority of the people rely heavily on the news that they think that just because it's on the news means it's true. If there was a lie or a cover up displayed on the news, hell, a lot of people would believe it. With the Homeland Security stated at the bottom, I believe it's directed towards them and the people who rely on the news. Perhaps there could be a world war and no one would know about it unless reported by the news (if it didn't include them, that is) or told by a friend. 

With all due respect, the news is handy and all, but you aren't the actual person on the news (as in maybe a murderer or an accused one, doesn't mean you know the person, nor are inside their head). News, in my opinion, is not a primary source. It is VERY VERY VERY much secondary and hardly trustworthy.

I was looking for a propaganda 2011 poster, when this picture showed up that I thought was interesting. I agree with this statement actually. They make a point here. 

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