Thursday, September 23, 2010

Die Die Die! (Forgot the blog title)

Let's get one thing straight. I don't believe in any god.
I'm atheist(:
Although, one could argue that, isn't atheist a group in itself? Also being used as a higher power? Haha. But anyways! God. The subject of Heaven and Hell and all the Sinners on earth! It's just. Yes, perhaps some people would anger him, but at the same time, isn't he all powerful? If it were so, he wouldn't exactly take it out on everyone. I'm not familiar with the bible, but wasn't he supposed to be merciful? 
I'd ASSUME so right?! But I have no idea. I liked the concept of the Greek Gods.
Oh, off topic. The story! It was very preach-ful...about God and severely punishing you if you step out of line even a little and such. There are a ton of people who step out of line, whether religious or not, more so the nots, but you know...some lead a very happy life. Everyone has ups and downs. Some more so than others, but that's not necessarily due to sinning. Even the most innocent can get hit by a car or something. "Why do things always happen to the good people?" Am I right?
I wanna draw a picture too. But I have no colored pencils at this moment.
SORRY! )':


  1. Isn't it possible that the author was a Jehovah's witness? Perhaps maybe he was succumb by the fear that he wouldn't be one of the few individuals who would be saved by the lord. Fear and self-doubt have to be considered when it comes to self- destination. This is the reasonn why people behaved as though saints. The main idea of the reasoning being that there wasn't a reason for their dqamnation, thus convincing themselves

  2. I would be super interested to reread your point of view when you are confided in a religion. Preferably, Christian.
