Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Tell-Tale ♥

    I basically reviewed all my perspectives of this story with Clara and Leslie. The story is basically about a man who claims he is not insane. And throughout the whole story he surely shows a few characteristics of being mentally unstable; but he believes he's just being wise. Although, I did say, you don't have to be unwise to be insane. Paranoia tends to make one over think scenarios, such as taking an hour to insert his head into the room of the old man or checking into the room each night until the 8th night. He claims that this disabled eye was the eye of evil. Such as the old tale of the "evil eye".
    To me, I said "I bet this whole thing didn't even happen!". If he's that mentally unstable, then there's a big possibility that this whole murder didn't happen. Now MAYBE he ATTEMPTED this murder and failed, thus getting put into a mental institution and now telling this story to whoever is listening, or just himself. He describes it in such detail that it could be real, all except for the fact that the old man's heart was still beating beneath the floor boards. We also did mention that he never says that he was arrested for committing this murder. I've heard Anna say that maybe he killed them too, he was crazy after all.
    Another part to my take on the story was that, maybe the old man was his dad. And the evil vulturous eye was always judging him about everything or maybe just his mental stability. This drove the narrator to more insanity to where he finally decided to attempt a murder of this sort. This story was actually enjoyable and interesting. It was as though you were taking a trip into the mind of someone who had paranoia and just needed a little opening to try to stop this evil eye from watching him any longer.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thanksgiving Dinner de Successful(s).

Chicago weather. What is anyone going to do about it. It was the last Thursday of November; quite a bit closer to December. The chill was in the air even though we had gotten a few heated days during the last few months. Carol and her mother had just pulled into a parking spot and parked their car. They buttoned their jackets to get ready to step into the Fall air. Carol's teeth had already started chattering even before stepping out.
"Brrr. Mom, what time is it?" she asked.
"About 6," her mother replied.
"Oh's 6" She thought in her head. Carol just had this feeling it was going to be a long night. They rang the bell and the door buzzed in response. They got the greeting that they always got when coming to this house for any type of meal. 
"Mary! Carol! How are my ladies?" It was Carol's mother's sponsor parents when she was little. Calvin Bower of course would always be the more robust and homely one. Greeting everyone with that booming voice of his. Pam, his wife, would be in the background with a "Good to see you!" and a hug just waiting for any person. 
The two were lead into the hallway and into the living room. There were a few people seated there chatting away about their lives. Carol already knew most of them; Gayorg married to Stephanie and so on. Now, this was a group of very successful people. Stephanie was a tall blonde who loves to drink a bit. She's a veterinarian as well, with two daughters. Kestrel and Laura. And the father would be none other than Gayorg. He's also the son of Mr. Bower. He would be the somewhat shorter husband. His height doesn't reflect the height of his job at all. He's a private pilot for celebrities. 
"Je je!" called Gayorg to Carol's mother. This was a term that he always used to call her that. There were hors d'oeuvres already set, naturally. This was a rich household and this apartment had 2-stories. 
Since everyone was sitting, Carol and her mother decided to have a seat as well. Of course someone decided to point out that Carol wanted to go into the veterinary field and this started up a conversation among the circle. 
"Where are you thinking of going to college?" Asked one.
"Are you even thinking of going to college?" Asked another. 
She hadn't given a thought to what college though. This was only 2010 of course. She was known as the shy one of course, so they didn't really expect an answer. 
Stephanie was the one to speak up to save her. 
"Do you want a life, sweetie?"
"Uhm. Yes, I suppose so."
"Don't become a veterinarian. Most marriages end in turmoil. You have to eat, breathe and sleep the animals that you take care of. You're in the office all hours of the day. I, myself, am taking a break from the work life to raise my two kids. That's one of the only reasons."
This actually made Carol rethink about all of this. Was this really true?
"If you want to make big money and work the least amount of hours, become an anesthesiologist."
Gayorg chimed in as well, "Yeah definitely. You'll go in mid-day and be able to get out in a few hours. You have to watch monitors but you still get paid a lot for so few hours."
Now this was an idea. But at this moment in time. Carol had absolutely no idea if she could be in the medical field at all. She could be an airhead after all.
Another older, successful lady, Joanne, came to talk to her. 
"Don't worry about it, dear. Just pick a college and have fun for a while. Figure what you like down the line. That's what I did. I didn't know what I was going to do at all. I changed majors a few times, even my senior year. Of course it's a matter of whether you have the money for it. But in the end, just figure out who you are in college. Don't worry your little head over it so early."
This made her a lot more calm than she was before. Someone successful finally telling her something she could comprehend and think about doing. This is the way she decided to go.
She enjoyed an amazing Thanksgiving dinner cooked by Erling, her uncle, Chef at the Publican. There were 2 turkeys...Cajun and original. The pies were amazing. All the goodbyes and thanks for comings were said. 
Walking back to the car, Carol had a lot to think about. However, tonight was wonderful. Laughs and smiles were shared and stories of Germany and France as well. 
What are we going to do about this Chicago weather?

Even now, Carol is a sophomore close to becoming a junior. She's still sticking to the plan of finding out who she will be, in college.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wake Up - Coheed and Cambria~♫

I can only stand the song I picked for class for only a few plays before it gets old.
However, I won't get tired of this one song → Wake Up

I'm gonna ride this plane out of your life again
I wish that I could stay, but you argue
More than this I wish, you could've seen my face
In backseats staring out, the window

This one is straightforward in that the speaker is going to leave the life of the one that the speaker cares about. The speaker would stay but the loved on seems to want him to go instead. Then he wishes that the loved one would have seen the speakers face while he was on his way out of the lover's life, the pain.

I'll do anything for you
Kill anyone for you

So leave yourself intact
'Cause I will be coming back
In a phrase to cut these lips
I love you

A demonstration of how far the speaker would go for the lover, even kill, just anything at all. Make sure the lover is kept intact, mentally and physically because the speaker will come for the lover onces again. To express his feeling, even though it's painful to say, "I love you" comes out of it.

The morning will come
In the press of every kiss
With your head upon my chest
Where I will annoy you
With every waking breath
Until you decide to wake up

The coming of morning is usually a sign of light and beauty because of the sunrise that comes around. Thus describing a kiss as the morning, the light, the sun. Sometimes loved ones are the ones that annoy you the most and that's because you care about them the most and you actually care about what they think. But when you're laying with a person or just with them and their mind is somewhere else then you can "annoy" them or do something tiny repeatedly until they wake up or snap back to reality. 

I've earned through hope and faith
On the curves around your face
That I'm the one you'll hold forever
If morning never comes for either one of us
Then this I pray to you wherever

With romance there's always a hope and faith that you'll be together for a long time, and after learning the beauty of a person, even just the simple details as the curves of the face. After a while, the speaker realizes how much the lover loves him and sees it and that the lover will hold onto the speaker forever, and no one else so (s)he will continue trying. If the light never shows for them, then (s)he hopes that wherever they are, that this meaning still carries on.

I'll do anything for you
This story is for you
('Cause I'd do anything you want me to for you)
I'll do anything for you
Kill anyone for you

So leave yourself intact
'Cause I won't be coming back
In a phrase to cut these lips
I loved you

The morning will come
In the press of every kiss
With your head upon my chest
Where I will annoy you
With every waking breath
Until you decide to wake up

The morning will come
In the press of every kiss
With your head upon my chest
Wh-Where I will annoy you
With every waking breath
'Til you decide to wake up

About the same chorus & verse part, the song thats being written is for the lover, still saying that (s)he'd do anything for the lover. The "I love yous" that hurt, however this time around, the speaker realizes that he won't be coming back because (s)he him/herself has realized it. And the last two stanzas that are replayed to put emphasis parts of love and light and when the they finally wake up to come around to embrace love again. 

PS; the song is on my playlist on the right.
& No, the singer is not a girl.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

On the Reservation

Reservations, Natives are the first ones to come to mind. However, it doesn't have to be like the book, Montana 1948, says. Some reservations are quite grassy and not barren. There may still be a lot of reservations left all over but there are less than time began with. The numbers are dwindling and the lands are becoming less with industrialization and the coming of technology. Most reservations, if not all, still keep the traditions and old ways, some have modernized but still kept the culture, but some have become modernized and just losing the reservation as a whole.
In a way I wish I had grown up on a reservation or experienced the heritage that is in my blood, but the practices lost over time. Some reservations are...well reserved and some welcome guests and companies. Some set up tours and trinket stores to keep up the income needed. A book exaggerates the truth to an extent, some reservations are barren and some are plentiful and full of life.

We also recently watched a movie called Smoke Signals, which also depicted a dusty area as the reservation's terrain. For some reason Thomas had more of a...Irish accent. But other than the Native girls, the movie was well done. Some funny moments and some sad moments. The warrior looks of the Natives.

Monday, February 21, 2011


the particular doctrines or principles spread deliberately by an organization or movement.

During World War I, there were many forms of propaganda and many of them were on posters "encouraging" people to participate in the war for different reasons.
To the right is a picture that my World Studies class recently discussed on. At first I didn't get what the cartoon was trying to convey, but after we talked about propaganda more and "pride", it became more clear to me.

This poster displays a girl sitting on her father's lap reading a book and a boy on the floor playing with toy soldiers while the father is looking at what seems to be directed at you, as the viewer. The girl is reading a book about the Great War and the little boy displays what he thinks of as the battlefield with soldiers. But when the girl asks her father what he did in the Great War, he simple looks at the viewer thinking "What should I tell her?", as if he had nothing to do with the war. If that was the case, then what was he to tell his daughter? That he had never served and was simple a coward stuck in this situation. 

Mostly we figured that this poster was propagating the war effort and that more men should join the war or face this question in the future and now have a "prideful" answer. 

This poster I found to be's pretty darn true that majority of the people rely heavily on the news that they think that just because it's on the news means it's true. If there was a lie or a cover up displayed on the news, hell, a lot of people would believe it. With the Homeland Security stated at the bottom, I believe it's directed towards them and the people who rely on the news. Perhaps there could be a world war and no one would know about it unless reported by the news (if it didn't include them, that is) or told by a friend. 

With all due respect, the news is handy and all, but you aren't the actual person on the news (as in maybe a murderer or an accused one, doesn't mean you know the person, nor are inside their head). News, in my opinion, is not a primary source. It is VERY VERY VERY much secondary and hardly trustworthy.

I was looking for a propaganda 2011 poster, when this picture showed up that I thought was interesting. I agree with this statement actually. They make a point here. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Black Boy

So...a little behind here...anywho:

The name of the book kind of gives away the feel or the tone of the book and the subjects in it. Sure, perhaps a book named Black Boy could not be about racism at all, but in this case, reading the back of the book would help. To me, this book is fairly confusing at some points. Little Richard Wright, even at age 6, can have a thought process as advanced as a grown man's. Perhaps not the thought process of consequences just yet, but the reasoning of life. However, at a time there is something about the word "white" that he doesn't get. He thinks his grandmother is white due to her skin being of that color, but what's the difference between her and these "white people"? His mother answers this question with irritation of course.

As the book progresses, you see Richard toughening up a bit to his surroundings; the actual brutality of the world. He traveled so much that he trained himself to leave the home he was at with no regrets. He mentioned that it actually bored him; that traveling wasn't exciting to him anymore. For a while he was afraid that even walking down the street, a random white man would beat him, due to some story that a white man beat a black boy. Which at first he figured the white man was the black boy's father, since the father has a right to beat the son, but his mother said the white man wasn't the father, which just confused him more.

Basically, it is a well written book so far in the eyes of an african(-american) boy living with white men and dealing with the hardships of growing up and learning. Which is funny, a plan meant to scare the little boy during a ride with his uncle to the middle of the river backfired to where Richard didn't trust him at all after that. They didn't bond anymore, nor could they ever again since he was shot by white men who took interest in his saloon.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Drama King!

Hmm...attention for Richard who?
Just kidding!
But his hunger for just so much of this hunger, that you just wonder, what is going on in this guys mind? It's just to an extreme where it's very burning down the house. It was as much craving attention as it was having nothing to do as a kind in a big house...having to be quiet or get beaten otherwise.

The thing to think about is...why on earth do something when there's a very negative consequence? Of course I'm sure one experiences this once in their life when you've done something wrong and gotten a consequence for it, thus you do it but you don't want to get caught anyways. One does it because they think they won't get caught. That's what happened when I was little. I used to lie a lot, of course, when I was younger. And my mom would always do the "I'm going to chop your tongue off!" kinda thing. But of course I continued to lie and made them more elaborate and at least thought out. But you trip up every so often and I would get caught...

Each time you just tell yourself, "I"m not going to get caught anymore; I'll be really careful". Everyone says that, but you're bound to get caught. Nothing lasts forever and good things must come to an end some time. It's better to quit which you're ahead. But we're all humans, will we ever learn?