Sunday, October 24, 2010

To Be the Red White & Blue.

The day I became an American..............................................the day ancestors were here before Columbus or China. Although, it wasn't even called Native American I'm sure...but you know. We'll just go by what it is now. I became an American ever since I entered the school system! Actually, I really have no idea when I became an American. American is such a widely varied term. I mean, if you go to China, they'd probably call you white or American, but in the US you can be American no matter what you really are.

My point is, when did any of us become Americans? American is just a name that some Europeans made up for people just for separation. American is just a mix of many...I can be called Chinese, even though I'm a bunch of things. However, American is more of a where you were born or where you are term, not a what you are.


  1. Correct, not what you are, just a term to differentiate you from the rest.

  2. But isn't an American also what types of ideals our people hold like democracy and equality?

  3. I agree...americans are EVERYTHING
