Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Puritan Shmuritan.

I'm glad I'm not religious in general! I mean no offense by that. know, I don't like following rules! And these rules about sinning...sinning is such a broad term actually. I know that you repent (is that the word used when you ask for forgiveness or something?) after you sin, but everyone steps off the "path" once in their life. There are so many boundaries, how would you live! I just can't see it that way. I remember going to a Vietnamese catholic church was NOT entertaining (if Raphy happens to read this, I don't mean your church, it was one in Texas). I guess it's basically because I was 9 and I can't actually understand Viet. I actually would like to attend church for the sake of listening to what a church sounds like. But every Sunday, or something like that, no thank you. Those are for the ones who try to understand what's in the bible. I don't care much for the bible. I found it really ironic that one day after school a couple of men were handing out new testaments. Little orange books with pretty good covers, haha. There were so many sections in such a little book.
There was squinting involved, yes. Jackie and I picked up a couple and tried to read it out of curiosity. It was a tad confusing...
ANYWAYS. Back on topic. Puritans seemed so corrupted...was it somewhere in the bible that you could actually shame someone for a sin? Such as making one wear a scarlet letter and stand in a crowd.

1 comment:

  1. I kinda agree with you. I just think that too many people take the bible to literally. To me the bible is a guide and when you get of the path God is right their to help you get back on track.
