Friday, November 5, 2010

You Slave Driver!

I really had a good comparison in mind about 10 minutes ago. Now I completely forget what it was...
But you know, you can see a lot of what you can consider slavery in the modern times. When you think slavery, you think whipped into shape by a white person. But you can use the word slavery in such a broad way. It was around for a long time and may still be happening in modern times, just in less developed countries, or just other countries in general. Just because you don't see slavery doesn't mean it's not there.

The word slavery can branch out in a lot of ways. You could say jobs are a kind of slavery, but you're getting money for it. But then again, slaves were "paid" in the form of food, staying alive, and necessities to stave alive. Sure it's not the same, but it'd be the same as being poor class. Working for food instead of money, that is. Pimps & prostitution could be another form of slavery. A main boss selling an item for money. Some are kept against their will but some actually choose to stay in the business. I'm not sure where I remember this example from, but a girl actually wanted to stay a prositute because she loved her pimp. He was basically the guy who had the girls, but would in turn pick which girl was really his. Later on though, he did say that if he was going to jail, his new wife (the main prostitute) would bail him out. Which leaves the question, does he really love her the way she loves him.

Anyways, off topic. Just that people can really be shielded from the truth of slavery. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there. (I hope that's true about dragons ): ) But yep, it's all around you, you just have to pay attention. A country with a dictator could be slaves, or a country with government at all. I mean how different is it that a country's leader makes all the rules and punishes whoever breaks the rules. Slavery is about the same thing isn't it? Jail could be counted as abuse. Execution and everything.

But I won't be too arguementative about this. Thank's for reading!

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